Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Raised at home is not just for children

I am one of those people who hears from God. And by that I mean I literally hear God. It isn't a voice in my head the way schizophrenic's hear them, more a voice in my heart but audible nonetheless. It's a unique experience and since I'm aware it's unusual, I vacillate between feeling very honoured and feeling like God just knows I'm too stinking dense to hear Him otherwise! I bring this up because lately He has been nudging me, none to gently I might add, to grow more of our food. We don't have a huge amount of space and all this growing will need to take place in the front yard or in containers in the back due to the fact that out entire backyard is either pool or cement. However, I've had the space not only picked out but actually partitioned off thanks to the lovely invention of the mail order raised garden bed. It's been sitting there for over a year. It mocks me every time I step onto the front porch and look to my right and see it sitting there all empty and barren.

So, for a woman who categorically refuses to make New Year's Resolutions (because, seriously, who keeps them?) I'm am, for all intents and purposes, making a resolution. I will heed God and start growing more of our food. I have a '2 in 1' apple tree coming via UPS that will be shipped on Valentine's Day (thus giving my husband a built in present to me because he will have to get it in the ground!) I have a Square Food Gardening book being delivered on Friday (New Year's Eve, see how I worked that?) I have space set aside for a lemon tree, tangelo tree and a nectarine tree which I will buy at a local nursery around the time the apple tree gets here and I have a toddler who wants to be outside as much as possible and, let's face it, what child doesn't jump at the chance to dig in the dirt?

I hope to post not only updates to how this endeavour plays out but with any luck, pictures as it progresses. Of course if I fail miserably, I'll do the only honourable thing and post about that as well.

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