Thursday, December 16, 2010

I AM at work!

I've been having this minor issue with my telephone lately. It keeps ringing.

I realize that telephones do that, it's just that lately whomever is calling seems to want to chat. Everyone in my life knows I am the fulltime caregiver of my 20 month old grandson Monday through Friday. However, for reasons I will never understand, there are people who don't think there is anything wrong with calling up for a chat in the middle of what is my work day. These same people, I'm sure, would never call a friend at their office in the middle of the work day and expect to chat unless it was during that person's break. Even then, because it can be difficult to know exactly when someone is on their break, you would generally start the conversation with, "Is this a good time?"

It's a simple thing and I'm probably ranting out of all proportion to the situation, but today the grandson is having a particularly difficult day and requires my full attention.

When faced with a toddler who is literally throwing himself on the floor in a screaming tantrum every other moment, there are only two responses. You can ignore him and so whatever you feel like doing at the time or you can give that child the attention he so clearly needs and try to figure out WHY this normally cheerful, obedient child is behaving like a spoiled brat. I obviously choose the latter which is why these phone calls are my current irksome issue.

That's all. No deep insights. Just my need to rant for a moment. I do, however, feel better now.

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